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APIs with SOAP, REST and gRPC

  1. APIs
  2. From RESTful to Event-Driven APIs
  3. API Gateway vs. Load Balancer: What’s The Difference?
  4. Python FastAPI
  5. Python REST APIs with flask
  6. Motivation
  7. State of the API Report
    1. Postman State of the API Report
    2. Smartbear State of the API Report
  8. Types of API Protocols. Interprocess Communication in Microservices
    1. SOAP API Protocol (Simple Object Access Protocol)
    2. REST API Protocol (Representational State Transfer)
      1. OpenAPI Specification (originally known as the Swagger Specification)
    3. RPC API Protocol (Remote Procedure Call)
      1. gRPC
    4. Asynchronous APIs
      1. WebSockets
      3. AsyncAPI
  9. Comparisons
    1. SOAP vs REST
    2. REST vs OpenAPI vs gRPC
    3. REST vs GraphQL vs gRPC
  10. Tools
    1. API Testing
    2. GraphQL
      1. Hasura
  11. Browser APIs
  12. API Security
  13. Free Web Services (Public APIs)
  14. Open Banking
  15. RPA
  16. API Ops
  17. Related
  18. Video APIs
  19. API Business Models
  20. Videos
  21. Images
  22. Tweets


From RESTful to Event-Driven APIs

API Gateway vs. Load Balancer: What’s The Difference?

  • API Gateway vs. Load Balancer: What’s The Difference? An API gateway vs. load balancer comparison can be boiled down to the fact that they both manage traffic entering your website or application but have different roles. An API gateway handles authentication and security policies, while a load balancer API distributes network traffic across multiple servers.

Python FastAPI

Python REST APIs with flask


State of the API Report

Postman State of the API Report

Smartbear State of the API Report

Types of API Protocols. Interprocess Communication in Microservices

SOAP API Protocol (Simple Object Access Protocol)

REST API Protocol (Representational State Transfer)

OpenAPI Specification (originally known as the Swagger Specification)

  • OpenAPI evolved from the Swagger project. Swagger started out as a specification for documenting RESTful APIs. Later on, tools to generate client and server code and generating of test cases were added. While the original Swagger Specification was donated to the Linux Foundation and renamed the OpenAPI, Swagger remains one of the most widely used open-source toolsets for developing OpenAPIs.
  • OpenAPI (f.k.a Swagger) has introduced a set of standardized specifications for REST APIs that, among many things, allows producers and consumers of APIs to work together in designing an API before even writing a single line of code! This design-first approach has improved the experience of API developers by giving them the opportunity to use tools like OpenAPI generator which takes an OpenAPI definition and generates scaffolding code for backenders, making the development of APIs much faster.
  • Wikipedia: OpenAPI Specification 🌟
  • OpenAPI FAQ. What is OpenAPI Specification (OAS)? OpenAPI Specification The OAS defines a standard, programming language-agnostic interface description for REST APIs, which allows both humans and computers to discover and understand the capabilities of a service without requiring access to source code, additional documentation, or inspection of network traffic.
  • large archive of sample OpenAPI descriptions

RPC API Protocol (Remote Procedure Call)


Asynchronous APIs



  • AsyncAPI Building the future of event-driven architecture. Open source tools to easily build and maintain your event-driven architecture. All powered by the AsyncAPI specification, the industry standard for defining asynchronous APIs.
  • AsyncAPI Could Be the Default API Format for Event-Driven Architectures
  • Simulating CloudEvents with AsyncAPI and Microcks
    • The rise of Event Driven Architecture (EDA) is a necessary evolution step towards cloud-native applications. Events are the ultimate weapon to decouple your microservices within your architecture. They are bringing great benefits like space and time decoupling, better resiliency and elasticity.
    • But events come also with challenges! One of the first you are facing when starting up as a development team - aside the technology choice - is how to describe these events structure? Another challenge that comes very quickly after being: How can we efficiently work as a team without having to wait for someone else’s events?
    • We’ll explore those particular two challenges and see how to simulate events using CloudEvents, AsyncAPI and Microcks.
    • AsyncAPI is an industry standard for defining asynchronous APIs. Our long-term goal is to make working with EDAs as easy as it is to work with REST APIs.
    • Microcks is an Open source Kubernetes-native tool for mocking/simulating and testing APIs. One purpose of Microcks is to turn your API contract (OpenAPI, AsyncAPI, Postman Collection) into live mocks in seconds. It means that once it has imported your AsyncAPI contract, Microcks start producing mock events on a message broker at a defined frequency. Using Microcks you can then simulate CloudEvents in seconds, without writing a single line of code. Microcks will allow the team relying on input events to start working without waiting for the team coding the event publication.
  • AsyncAPI and CloudEvents I’ve been receiving the same question for a long time now: Should I use CloudEvents or AsyncAPI? β€” And my response has always been the same: it depends!
    • CloudEvents: a specification for describing event data in a common way. CloudEvents seeks to ease event declaration and delivery across services, platforms and beyond!
    • AsyncAPI: Create machine-readable definitions of your event-driven APIs.



REST vs OpenAPI vs gRPC

REST vs GraphQL vs gRPC


API Testing



  • Hasura 🌟 Instant realtime GraphQL APIs for all your data
    • Build modern apps and APIs 10x faster
    • TickInstant GraphQL & REST APIs
    • TickBuilt in authorization for secure data access
    • TickOpen source

Browser APIs

API Security

Free Web Services (Public APIs)

Open Banking



Video APIs

API Business Models


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top 10 api testing tools

20 API Business Models

gRPC vs REST vs GraphQL comparison


REST vs GrapQL


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