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Container Runtimes/Managers, Base Images and Container Tools. Podman, Buildah & Skopeo

  1. Introduction
  2. OCI Project. Open Container Initiative
    1. OCI Runtimes
      1. runc
      2. crun
    2. OCI Monitors
  3. Container Managers / Container Runtimes (CRI runtimes)
    1. CRI-O
    2. Podman. Pod Manager tool
      1. Podman Desktop
      2. Containers In High Security Environments with Podman
  4. Container Images
    1. Red Hat Universal Base Image
  5. Container Tools
    1. Buildah
    2. Skopeo
  6. Images
  7. Tweets


OCI Project. Open Container Initiative

OCI Runtimes


  • runc CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification


  • crun A fast and lightweight fully featured OCI runtime and C library for running containers

OCI Monitors

  • Conmon An OCI container runtime monitor.

Container Managers / Container Runtimes (CRI runtimes)


Podman. Pod Manager tool

Podman Desktop

Containers In High Security Environments with Podman

Container Images

Red Hat Universal Base Image

Container Tools




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OCP 4 Architecture


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