Customer Success Stories. Cloud Native Projects
- BMW IT-Zentrum (Munich)
- Audi
- Volkswagen
- Mercedes Benz
- Tesla
- IDRA Group
- Williams F1
- Carrefour Spain
- Decathlon
- Deutsche Telekom
- AstraZeneca
- AI for Medical Imaging
- AXA Group
- Videos
BMW IT-Zentrum (Munich)
- BMW IT-Zentrum
- CI/CD at BMW IT-Zentrum (2018):
- Jenkins in OpenShift (CloudBees & OSS): Maven, Seed Job, Multibranch Pipelines, Merge BOTs, OpenShift Source-to-Image (S2I), Fabric8 Java Client Library for Kubernetes, JobDSL & Shared Libraries (groovy).
- Requirements of each microservice (configurations) defined in a single json file.
- Java Frameworks: Java EE (Jakarta EE) running on Payara.
- HA-Proxy, SonarQube, Nexus3, JMeter, Selenium, etc.
- Docker, Terraform, Packer, Ansible, YAML, Flyway, PostgreSQL.
- Swagger, Postman, Visual Studio Code.
- Atlassian: Confluence, Bitbucket, Jira, Crowd.
- Hybrid Clouds: OpenStack on-premise clusters, OpenShift 3.10 on-premise clusters, AWS.
- Dynatrace APM, Prometheus, Grafana.
- Rocket Chat
- BMC Remedy ITSM
- DevOps with Scrum, GitOps, ITIL Incident Management Workflow, Remote Work.
- International Deloitte team based in Munich and outside Germany: Germany, Poland, Albany, Bulgaria, Portugal, Spain.
BMW ConnectedDrive and OpenShift
- BMW ConnectedDrive: BMW ConnectedDrive Platform helps drivers communicate with their cars. Initially, the platform was enabled for convenience type of features like locating the vehicle, sounding the horn, locking the car, remote car health check… As the adoption of electric cars grows, BMW decided to create an ultimate driving experience by adding new services addressing the unique challenges of electric vehicles, like locating the closest electric charging stations, monitoring the car battery… This addition of new services has been creating new challenges in terms of API security.
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Takes Digital Innovation into the Fast Lane with Major European Automaker
- BMW takes digital innovation into the fast lane with Red Hat Openshift Container Platform
- Youtube: BMW enables the BMW Group to deliver the continuous service that today’s consumers expect (video starts at 1:29:00): BMW Group started working with 4 Openshift clusters in 2016 to support ConnectedDrive, a solution that delivers IoT digital services since 20 years ago. It took them a full-time migration for 2 years with a big transformation of the culture of the company, migrating monolithic applications to microservices. This is a consequence of having 30% of growth of request rate, by selling 2.5 million of cars yearly, all of them connected. Traditional IT could not cope with this growth. In 2019 they have 19 Openshift Clusters worldwide, with 12000 containers, 300 microservices, and 1 Billion requests per week. Future plans are to move to OpenShift Dedicated in the Public Cloud since they need to be more scalable and resilient, while building an Artificial Intelligence platform with a Data Lake on the public cloud to offer the best possible experience to their customers.
- How BMW uses Redhat OpenShift?
BMW InnovationLab
- BMW InnovationLab This organization contains open source software for realtime computer vision published by the developers, partners and friends of the BMW InnovationLab.
- As we transform into a data-driven company, the BMW Group Technology Office conducted a virtual hackathon, together with the Google Cloud Handle ‘Google Cloud’ on machine learning.
- Google Cloud Handle’s machine learning capabilities were used to implement use cases — ranging from charging optimisation for our electric vehicles, to wheel classification along our assembly line.
- Artificial Intelligence is a key technology in our digital transformation, and we want to enable our colleagues across all disciplines to work with the latest technologies. We strive to offer our worldwide network of software developers the opportunity to view, change, and develop their own algorithms. These projects illustrate the range of solutions that AI can provide, from automatic image recognition to natural language processing.
- We also make selected algorithms available in an open source platform. “We expect the further open source development to lead to a rapid and agile advancement of the software,” says Kai Demtroeder, Head of Artificial Intelligence and Data Platforms at BMW Group IT.
- BMW Group Develops a GenAI Assistant to Accelerate Infrastructure Optimization on AWS
- Audi builds developer environment with Red Hat OpenShift Audi decided to use Red Hat OpenShift, an enterprise Kubernetes platform, as the foundation of Kubika-O, its new self-service developer environment, to speed and scale delivery of innovative projects.
- The Volkswagen Group builds automated testing environment
- El auge del coche eléctrico y autónomo se ha topado con otra barrera: el software. Volkswagen lo sabe bien
Mercedes Benz
- Why Mercedes-Benz runs on 900 Kubernetes clusters The German automaker runs a massive fleet of Kubernetes clusters to support a wide range of project teams around the world. ‘For us, managing Kubernetes is not that hard.’
- El software de los coches de Mercedes contiene código abierto y en vez de distribuirlo en GitHub usan un CD
- youtube: Keynote: 7 Years of Running Kubernetes for Mercedes-Benz - Jens Erat, Peter Mueller, Sabine Wolz
- Mercedes-Benz: 4 Reasons to Sponsor Open Source Projects
- Tesla recurre a China para aumentar la calidad de fabricación de sus coches eléctricos
- La Gigafactoría de Tesla en Shanghái es todo un ejemplo de eficiencia, innovación tecnológica y calidad de fabricación. El responsable de este logro es Tom Zhu, su jefe de Operaciones, que recientemente visitó las dos plantas estadounidenses.
- W. Edward Deming fue un ingeniero y consultor estadounidense reconocido como el padre de la gestión de la calidad total en la fabricación de automóviles. Se le considera uno de los responsables del progreso de la industria, gracias al desarrollo de una serie de teorías funcionales y económicas que, desde hace años, supervisan la producción de los vehículos que se fabrican en casi todo el mundo.
- Las teorías de Deming estaban muy por delante de su tiempo. Afirman que las organizaciones que se centran en reducir únicamente los costes de producción, automáticamente disminuyen la calidad de sus productos. Por el contrario, aquellas que se concentran en mejorar la calidad, automáticamente rebajan los costes.
IDRA Group
- IDRA finishes 9,000-ton Giga Press; Tesla expecting it any day now
- Giga Press, la colosal máquina de Tesla que ha revolucionado la fabricación de coches eléctricos
Williams F1
- El Excel se ha usado en la Fórmula 1 hasta que se han dado cuenta que no es la mejor forma de controlar las 20.000 piezas del coche James Vowles, nuevo jefe de Williams, encontró uno de los motivos por los que el histórico equipo de la Fórmula 1 estaba tan atrasado
Carrefour Spain
- Efficient Java in the cloud with Quarkus. Carrefour Spain’s test: Quarkus vs. Spring Boot “This move will help our applications to become scalable, real time, resilient and, all in all, provide a better experience to our customers”
- VCStream: a new messaging platform for DECATHLON’s Value Chain, built on Quarkus Another successful Quarkus user story! Decathlon picking QuarkusIO over springboot
Deutsche Telekom
AI for Medical Imaging
- Accelerating the lab to market transition of AI tools for cancer management. CHAIMELEON will set up an EU-wide structured repository for health imaging data as an open source for artificial intelligence (AI) experimentation in cancer management.
- AI for Medical Imaging Boosts Cancer Screenings with Provider Aid
- El IIS La Fe liderará la dirección científica del Nodo Central del Atlas de Imágenes en Cáncer Se trata de una plataforma diseñada para generar “conjuntos masivos de datos de calidad” centrados en la imagen médica y su información clínica, molecular y genética relacionada, obtenidos en el ámbito asistencial y de investigación. Estos datos enlazados permiten construir estudios clínicos observacionales controlados, como si fueran ensayos clínicos. Esta gran plataforma de imágenes y datos será también “clave” para el desarrollo y validación de modelos de inteligencia artificial que permitan un diagnóstico temprano, predecir la evolución de la enfermedad y estimar la respuesta a un tratamiento oncológico específico en un paciente concreto. Los datos clínicos y las imágenes que se obtienen en el ámbito asistencial se adquieren con el foco en un paciente individual, su aprovechamiento posterior necesita procesos que garanticen su seguridad (desidentificación) y normalización (armonización) para minimizar las diferencias en calidad de imagen entre diferentes equipamientos y fabricantes.
- Accelerating radiology imaging workflows with relevant clinical context on AWS
- Europe’s Leading Cancer Image Biobank (EUCAIM) Launched by Quibim and European Commission
- AI-enabled imaging and diagnostics previously thought impossible
- Quibim: empowering biopharma to turn images into actionable predictions using artificial intelligence Taking an innovative approach to applying artificial intelligence (AI) to medical imaging, Quibim is designing predictive panels to enable healthcare providers to improve patient outcomes.
- Redefining diagnostics: the integration of machine learning in medical imaging
- Protect shared clusters for medical imaging Incepto Medical provides on-demand medical imaging analysis to healthcare facilities. This analysis is based on AI technology manufactured or distributed by Incepto for mammography, X-ray, emergency, CT, MR and PET scanners. Incepto’s partners can also use shared clusters to host their own medical devices and AI models.
- Does AI Help or Hurt Human Radiologists’ Performance? It Depends on the Doctor New research shows radiologists and AI don’t always work well together
- Roberto Ardon (Incepto): “A la IA no se le pueden pedir imposibles” Incepto es una empresa dedicada al desarrollo de inteligencia artificial para diagnóstico de imagen médica en hospitales; su director de Data Science responde sobre los retos que supone diseñar y entrenar programas de este tipo