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  1. Introduction and Tutorials
  2. Docker Best Practices
  3. Docker Networking
  4. Docker Volumes
  5. Debugging
  6. Docker CLI
  7. Docker Extensions
  8. Docker Swarm
  9. Awesome Lists
  10. Docker VS Kubernetes
  11. Docker Patterns and Antipatterns
  12. Docker Security
  13. How To Build a Smaller Docker Image and write dockerfiles efficiently
  14. Reducing Build Time
  15. Modify containers without rebuilding
  16. Docker Tools
  17. Docker and WSL2
  18. Docker and Docker Swarm Cheat sheets
  19. Docker Compose
  20. Moving Linux Services Into Containers
  21. Windows Containers
  22. Portainer
  23. DockStation
  24. Linux Container Base Images
  25. Blogs
  26. Cloud Native Buildpacks
  27. Alternatives to Docker. Available alternatives to Docker for OCI compliant container image building
  28. Videos and Podcasts
  29. Tweets

Introduction and Tutorials

Docker Best Practices

Docker Networking

Docker Volumes


Docker CLI

  • docker buildx imagetools Commands to work on images in registry
  • Who is still copying images between registries with:

    • docker cli:
      • docker pull
      • docker tag
      • docker push
    • Use:
      • crane cp
    • Or even:

      • cosign cp
    • It’s faster, and supports multi-arch (and cosign copies signatures/sboms/attestations)

Docker Extensions

Docker Swarm

Awesome Lists

Docker VS Kubernetes

Docker Patterns and Antipatterns

Docker Security

How To Build a Smaller Docker Image and write dockerfiles efficiently

Reducing Build Time

Modify containers without rebuilding

Docker Tools

Docker and WSL2

Docker and Docker Swarm Cheat sheets

Docker Compose

Moving Linux Services Into Containers

Windows Containers



Linux Container Base Images


Cloud Native Buildpacks

Alternatives to Docker. Available alternatives to Docker for OCI compliant container image building

Videos and Podcasts

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