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On-Premise Production Kubernetes Cluster Installers

  1. Introduction
  2. Comparative Analysis of Kubernetes Deployment Tools
  3. Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with Kops
  4. Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with Kubeadm
  5. Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible
  6. kube-aws Kubernetes on AWS
  7. Kubespray
  8. Conjure up
  9. WKSctl
  10. Terraform (kubernetes the hard way)
  11. Caravan
  12. ClusterAPI
  13. Microk8s
  14. k8s-tew
  15. Project Neco
  16. Zarf. DevSecOps for Air Gap Systems
  17. Kubernetes Operating Systems
  18. Kubernetes Distributions
    1. Red Hat OpenShift
    2. Rancher
    3. Weave Kubernetes Platform
    4. Ubuntu Charmed Kubernetes
    5. VMware Kubernetes Tanzu and Project Pacific
      1. KubeAcademy Pro (free training)
    6. Kontena Pharos
    7. Mirantis Docker Enterprise with Kubernetes and Docker Swarm
    8. Mirantis k0s
    9. K0s
    10. K8e
    11. Typhoon
    12. kurl


Comparative Analysis of Kubernetes Deployment Tools

Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with Kops

C:\ubuntu> vagrant init ubuntu/xenial64
C:\ubuntu> vagrant up
C:\ubuntu> vagrant ssh-config
C:\ubuntu> vagrant ssh
$ curl -LO$(curl -s | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4)/kops-linux-amd64
$ chmod +x kops-linux-amd64
$ sudo mv kops-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kops

Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with Kubeadm

Deploying Kubernetes Cluster with Ansible

kube-aws Kubernetes on AWS


Conjure up


Terraform (kubernetes the hard way)





  • k8s-tew Kubernetes is a fairly complex project. For a newbie it is hard to understand and also to use. While Kelsey Hightower’s Kubernetes The Hard Way, on which this project is based, helps a lot to understand Kubernetes, it is optimized for the use with Google Cloud Platform.

Project Neco

  • cybozu-go/neco Neco is a project to build and maintain highly automated on-premise data centers using Kubernetes. A Neco data center consists of a few (from 3 to 5) management servers called boot servers and thousands of servers for Kubernetes clusters.

Zarf. DevSecOps for Air Gap Systems

  • defenseunicorns/zarf DevSecOps for Air Gap & Limited-Connection Systems. Zarf massively simplifies the setup & administration of kubernetes clusters, cyber systems & workloads that support DevSecOps “across the air gap”.

Kubernetes Operating Systems

Kubernetes Distributions

Red Hat OpenShift


Weave Kubernetes Platform

Ubuntu Charmed Kubernetes

VMware Kubernetes Tanzu and Project Pacific

KubeAcademy Pro (free training)

Kontena Pharos

Mirantis Docker Enterprise with Kubernetes and Docker Swarm

  • Mirantis Docker Enterprise 3.1+ with Kubernetes
  • Docker Enterprise 3.1 announced. Features:
    • Istio is now built into Docker Enterprise 3.1!
    • Comes with Kubernetes 1.17. Kubernetes on Windows capability.
    • Enable Istio Ingress for a Kubernetes cluster with the click of a button
    • Intelligent defaults to get started quickly
    • Virtual services supported out of the box
    • Inbuilt support for GPU Orchestration
    • Launchpad CLI for Docker Enterprise deployment & upgrades

Mirantis k0s



  • xiaods/k8e K8e 🚀 (said ‘kuber easy’) - Simple Kubernetes Distribution. Builds on upstream project K3s as codebase, remove Edge/IoT features and extend enterprise features with best practices.



  • kURL is a Kubernetes installer for air-gapped and online clusters. kURL relies on kubeadm but automates tasks such as installing the container runtime, configuring pod networking, etc., so any user can deploy a Kubernetes cluster with a single script.