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Visual Studio Code

  1. VSCode
  2. Updates
  3. Keyboard shortcuts
  4. Visual Studio MarketPlace and Extensions
    1. Publishers
    2. Extensions
      1. More Extensions
      2. GitHub Copilot
      3. More Extensions (Blogs)
      4. Themes
      5. DevOps Extensions
      6. Azure DevOps Extensions
      7. Git Flow Extensions
      8. Jenkins Extensions
  5. Integrated Terminal on Visual Studio Code
  6. Debugging in VScode
  7. Python in Visual Studio Code
  8. Go in Visual Studio Code
  9. Bridge to Kubernetes
  10. AWS Toolkits
  11. Cloud Code
  12. Alternatives
    1. Intellij IDEA
    2. Online VSCode
  13. Youtube Shorts
  14. Videos
  15. Tweets



Keyboard shortcuts

Visual Studio MarketPlace and Extensions



More Extensions

GitHub Copilot

More Extensions (Blogs)


DevOps Extensions

Azure DevOps Extensions

Git Flow Extensions

Jenkins Extensions

Integrated Terminal on Visual Studio Code

  • Integrated Terminal
  • This is an example of Visual Studio Code settings when adding Git Bash on Windows:
"": "C:\\Program Files\\Git\\bin\\bash.exe"

Debugging in VScode

Python in Visual Studio Code

Go in Visual Studio Code

Bridge to Kubernetes

  • Bridge to Kubernetes 🌟 Bridge to Kubernetes extends the Kubernetes perimeter to your development computer allowing you to write, test, and debug microservice code while connected to your Kubernetes cluster with the rest of your application or services. With this workflow, there is no need for extra assets, such as a Dockerfile or Kubernetes manifests. You can simply run your code natively on your development workstation while connected to the Kubernetes cluster, allowing you to test your code changes in the context of the larger application.
  • Bridge to Kubernetes Simplifies Microservice Development in Visual Studio/VS Code

AWS Toolkits

Cloud Code

  • Cloud Code 🌟 Everything you need to write, debug, and deploy your cloud-native applications.


Intellij IDEA

Online VSCode

Youtube Shorts


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